To initiate requests for approval for the
following activities: Project Requests for the design, formal
estimating, and implementation to add, create, or modify property of Texas
Woman's University. "Projects" involve multiple trades and have a cost that
exceeds $5,000, otherwise a work order request may be requested instead of a
Request Examples include: New construction, minor
or major renovations, building systems and new equipment installation,
departmental relocations, space planning, exterior landscaping.
A request is made on behalf of the department
head or chair and is sent to the AVP or Dean for approval a project or
Capital Expenditure by this process. Please be sure the department
head has details of this request before it is submitted. Please select
appropriate “Request Type” on this form, along with the scope of work
and other data points, to communicate the details for which approval is
being requested. Request Types include:
PIF – Project Information Form: This is a
request for quotation and may include Design charges.
PRF – Project Request Form: This is a
request for a project that has a budget and funding account. If the
account needs to be setup, please indicate that by entering “TBD” in the
account field.